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Peaceful Pentagon:
Visual Experience
An excerpt from the book for this personal project titled "Shards Within a Pentagon:
The Visual Experience" discussing peaceful design.
Peaceful Design happens to be very important for the world yet can be undermined in its large status and power.
To get a good designer that understands peaceful design isn’t easy. In current times the battle against destructive design and design that benefits the world in a positive light grows. This project is meant to first understand peace, secondly understand each aspect of how parts of a whole creates that peace, and then reveal the larger picture as an experience where the viewer has a much better understanding of what they’re looking at.
This branded section of products for this project includes the following:
Poster Designs (10)
Gallery of Project Concept
A Journal and Bonus Pen (1 silver)
Original Pen Case with 2 Pens (1 red 1 black)